Thursday, April 28, 2011

I Love you Meg Cabot!!!

It's completely true! I absolutely looove her books (well, not the princess diaries series, if you're ten or so you might like them though)! And she's done it again, coming out with yet another amaaazing book. Her newest book is called Abandon. I will admit that this one was not quite as good as others I've read, but it definitely shows promise. The book follows a girl who died but was able to be revived a full hour later. Her not just near death experience leaves her changed though, and she must discover what really happened to her in order to save someone she loves. Yes, maybe the whole 'saving your love' thing is overdone, but I promise this book has enough twists and turns to be kept entertained!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Good, the Bad, and the 'Don't-even-go-there'

The Good-
To start off with some pleasant news, here is an AMAZING book I have just read:
"Heart On a Chain" by Cindy C. Bennett
This book will make you cry tears of absolute joy at the beautiful relationshpis, and then have you sobbing at the horrific ones. Bennett's book follows a seventeen year old girl as she faces obstacles more heart wrenching than you could imagine. Don't worry though! This book isn't one of those books written just to make you cry, and then leaving you depressed and out of Kleenex at the end. Heart On a Chain will make you cry out in joy as justice is finally recieved too. The love interest in the story, Henry, is shown as caring, brave, and comforting, if also a little naive. As the main character, Kate, falls in love with him, so did I! Pick up this book if you're in the mood for a ton of emotion. It's definitely not a quick, fluffy read, but awesome all the same!

The Bad-
The Boys Next Door, by Jennifer Echols
Ugh. This book, I thought, showed some promise, but I was obviously mistaken. It's a badly done version of the played out theme where the girl loves the  wrong guy, and the right guy was there all along. The story was choppy, under developed, and the characters were annoying. At one point, I actually had to just put the book done and leave because the main character was being so frustrating. The book was far from the worst, but unless you're desperate and it's free, do not get this book!

The 'Don't-even-go-there'-
Take Me There, by Susane Colasanti
This. Book. Is. Awful. I absolutely hated it. The story is told in three different views, something I normally love, but has absolutely no purpose. It is far from intellectual, or entertaining, there were no interesting thought-provoking scenes, and I couldn't even tell if there was really a climax. Take Me There has no plot, and unless you like reading about random, boring city kids, don't read this. The romance is under done, the other 'drama' is over played, and none of the characters are particularly likable. This book is worse than bad, even if you're desperate, find something else! Take Me There will only leave you dissapointed.

Introducing Me!

Welcome to my new and awesome blog! So it's most likely pretty obvious what this blog is about, but for anyone that's unsure, it's going to be a sort of book review site. Most, well probably all, of the books I will be reviewing will be young-adult, romance, and maybe some of that paranormal/other world stuff too. If you like those kinds of books, MAKE SURE to keep checking this out! I apologize for the lack of creativity in the name of the blog, but I promise that the posts on here will be at least a little more original. Come back to read about TONS of great books, hope you'll like it!